5651 km
Every continent or island on earth has its own length of coastal landscapes. Earth and sea meet to create a boundary between humanity and nature. This boundary could be seen as a line which divides the known from the unknown, signified by water; despite its unpredictable nature, water is necessary for life and therefore has been sought out by civilizations throughout time.
In ancient times wherever this line appeared was considered to be the furthest one could travel. That is to say, for many, the Iberian peninsula was the end of the earth. This environment cultivated a special dynamic which encouraged many to settle within its proximity. The line and the coast became 'home'.
Over time, the peninsula was colonised by various empires and became the port of the first expeditions around the globe. Nowadays, the Iberian peninsula joins together three countries and various regions, cultures, and languages —drawn together by ocean
and sea — sharing a length of 3313 km of coast line.
The coast line possesses a certain feeling of community. Despite their size, locations or cultural dispositions the coastal towns all share immense natural beauty and a deep connection with water. This connection can be seen in industries such as fishing, agriculture, and tourism which all thrive in summertime.
In the summer of 2018, I traveled along this same coast for a total of 5651 km in a converted van to document this significant line.